We judge ourselves on what we believe we can do. Others judge us by what we've done.


Live Show: White Rabbits + Suckers @ The Magic Stick

Last night we rolled down to the Magic Stick in Detroit to check out White Rabbits and to our surprise a great band by the name of Suckers. Rabbits was a given. We knew what to expect and their live show doesn't disappoint (Check the video I shot below of Percussion Gun)
However, it was Suckers that really blew me away. Their styled bordered on Tears For Fears with a more modern edge and all in all it sounded beautiful. Also, the shirts they had for sale were unreal sweet, and only $12!!!!
So, I've got two mp3s for ya'll (one from each band). Go out and buy their stuff and pray they're coming to your town soon. Seriously.

Below are shots from the show free mp3s and video of 'Percussion Gun'

White Rabbits - Percussion Gun = BOOM

Suckers - It Gets Your Body Movin' = KUNG POW

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