We witnessed history last night. The kind of history that will be written about and taught to children in school for years to come. The kind of history that like some things will never ever ever be forgotten. I know and appreciate this as well as many other people around the world do.
However, I've realized in speaking to many people around my work and home that human beings are genuinely evil. I've heard comments of the election being "nigger rigged" and January 20th is the day of Obama's "iniggeration" into the presidency. Republicans blaming Bush and not their out right loss of morals and lack of respect for humanity for their loss of control. Also, the comments of there being "hood" picnics at the White House and hot wings on the menu are just plain stupid... seriously. I understand many americans don't like a president who is smarter than they are, more talented, and all around just plain better (especially if that president is not of the same ethnic background). I understand that the sick obsessed like nature some people call patriotism is clouding the judgement of right and wrong, but you've got to be fucking kidding me.
I'll tell you what patriotism is. It's sacrifice, it's the common good, it's the love of your country, and if you love your country you want what's best for it. If you want what's best for your country than you understand how to accept the fact you may be wrong and then take steps to further improve yourself. The constitution reads "form a more perfect union." How can you do that when you always consider yourself to be right?
The people who call themselves patriots and at the same time refuse to acknowledge we are bleeding our country's resources dry to an ill advised war, headed by an ill advised president, who managed to also destroy our economy with over the top spending and effectively fail at avenging the attacks of 911 are the true cancer in this country. They are also the coal shovelers fueling the flames of racism and further dividing our country (and to be fair, neither side of this are helping the situation as far as racism goes).
You can say what you want, but our country is still massively divided. Just because we can all piss in the same toilet doesn't mean this is fixed. The city I live in is filled with closet racists who succeed at teaching their children to behave in the same idiotic manner forever posioning what little chance we have of forming a closer to perfect society. However, like I said earlier, the other side of this problem are part of the problem as well. It takes understanding, tolerance, and maturity to deal with this, and unfortunately most people lack all of these traits where they really need it.
My point is that it's sad people can't grow up and embrace the future and attempt to leave our children in a better world. The only way we can advance as a society is to educate ourselves and help educate others (that's right people, America isn't all about individualism). Finally, to put the icing on the cake, if you want to blame someone or something for the racism and prejudice and lack of respect we have for other people in this world you can do that. It's called religion. Grow the fuck up.
Did you see this?
well, I would call that a mumble. I don't really know what to make of it other than that. I enjoy Anderson and don't think he is racist, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was. That was a pretty close call tho haha.
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