I put on my best bible toting, gay hating, contradictory face on and was well received by the republican faithful at a few rallies held by McCain and Romney. I had made it a point to see Romney twice since he is a former Michigander.
If you live in Michigan or have relatives that live here, more than not you already know that our economy isn't all that great. Now, you still got those people who are doing more than alright here and will tell you that we're not doing that bad (these people are typically the ones who claim the housing market is great and we're winning the war on terror). Either way, I was attending these republican rallies to see what issues these candidates were going to raise in relevance to my state. McCain and Romney, the only candidates I saw were fairly similar in presentation, however,
What troubled me about these two candidates and most of what I heard during the Michigan primary was that they spoke a lot about the auto industry and not much at all about Michigan as a state. Almost to say, that if we never had the auto industry we wouldn't be a worthy state to campaign in.
As for the Democrats, you guys need to realize something quite vital. Michigan is a strong Democratic state and no Dem Administration has won the white house without winning Michigan as well. I'm pretty sure you'll be more than welcoming our delegates at the convention.
My stance is undecided. It will stay that way until someone restores my faith in the system. I'll probably vote Democratic, but may vote McCain or Romney depending on how I feel about them later in the year.
But enough of the inevitable! Let's take a look at something more uplifting! The Auto Show is in town!
I haven't gone yet, I know,I can hardly wait. So, instead of telling you how it is I'm going to inform people of the crisis facing Detroit and it's hold on the auto industry.
Mild rumors suggest that
Believe it or not D-Town dwellers, but people from all over the world tour Detroit and Dearborn as well as other historic sites affiliated with the auto industry year round. Sites we drive by in and take for granted are often thought about the way we may think about dining atop the Eiffel Tower.
While all hope seems lost, Detroit is on the verge of very exciting things.
- As always the case, the music scene here is kicking arse (now, we only need to get Detroit to figure that out).
- Wayne State University is doing break through tissue research right on the downtown campus and we have facilities sporting state of the art medical equipment.
- Google, Rock Financial and other companies are more than likely going to establish offices in the city and bring in more jobs.
- If you haven't noticed, there are exceptional condos and apartments going up around the city.
- The Super Bowl and World Series were great successes and brought lots of positive attention and money into the city.
- The Red Wings will do the same if they keep up the winning and bring another Stanley in town.
- The new Cadillac building will feature brand new office space for companies and prime ground level real estate for retailers and restaurants .
While this all sounds good we as citizens cannot just sit back and wait for the great city that Detroit can be. Here are some things all Michigan citizens, living in Detroit and not, can do to ensure a successful future for our great city:
- Spend some time enjoying the nightlife downtown and spend a little money.
- Pop in for a show at the Detroit Opera House or check out the Detroit Symphony Orchestra
- SUPPORT LOCAL MUSIC! Whether it's Hip Hop, Rock, or Acoustic Folk. We have a great pool of talent. Look at our major successes.
- Voice your opinion to the government. Write letters and make phone calls stating your concerns and what you want done for the city.
- Stop thinking about what directly affects you! This isn't about you, it's about the city as a whole. There isn't a successful society on the planet that operated individually. The collective will move mountains.
- If your neighborhood is struggling, organizing a clean up campaign is easier than you think and will bring positive energy to your community. Think, the Broken Windows Theory. If you don't know what I'm talking about then Google/Yahoo it. It worked for New York in the 70's.
I'm not going to run a full list for you but you can surely come up with other ideas based on what you see from a day to day business. Let's make a difference. Please.
Stay up.
mr arSen
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